A Land Of Hapiness Ravi Krushna Heights
A community filled with lush greenery and sparkling amenities for a happy lifestyle. Step into a world of happiness and fulfillment

A community filled with lush greenery and sparkling amenities for a happy lifestyle. Step into a world of happiness and fulfillment
A community filled with lush greenery and sparkling amenities for a happy lifestyle. Step into a world of happiness and fulfillment
Excellent quality earth quake resistant design structure with in fill lightweight blocks walls
24X24 Joint free tiles with side skirting in all rooms. • Covered Parking area.
Granite/Marble top Platform with Stainless Steel Sink Glazed Tiles dado upto Lintel Level
Main entrance door and other will be flush doors.
Anodized aluminum sliding windows with granite sill
Coloured Glazed Tile upto lintel level Ceramic tiles floooring
Concealed Leak Proof waterline of uPVC(ISI) & cPVC pipes and open drainage line of PVC pipe outside
Single phase light meter & concealed cooper wiring with sufficient light & plug points modular switches
Your first step into RAVI KRUSHNA HEIGHTS will be as glorious as the rest of it. The imposing entry designed to impress.